
Non sono attrezzati ad accettare la loro diversità. Ma Pechino offre una vera egemonia fuori dall’Occidente
“Opporsi alla Cina è inutile è già pronta a guidare il mondo” Martin Jacques

NEW YORK – “When China rules the world”, quando la Cina governerà il mondo. Un titolo che è un pugno nello stomaco. O un incubo. Sarà per questo che il saggio di Martin Jacques, uscito in Inghilterra e negli Stati Uniti, è stato tradotto in Cina, Taiwan, Giappone, Indonesia, ma in nessun paese dell’Europa continentale? E’ troppo duro per noi confrontarci con le tesi di Jacques? “L’Europa – sorride lo studioso britannico – ha abbandonato lo sforzo di elaborare un’idea del futuro. Ai cinesi sa esprimere solo una serie di lamentele che si possono riassumere in una sola: perché non siete come noi?”

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The dire consequences of the coming shift in global power

As an academic and journalist working throughout East Asia, Martin Jacques has had a front row seat for the past decade on China’s economic and political emergence. The British author’s latest book is titled When China Rules the World.

 Q: We in the West spend a great deal of time discussing China’s rise. But we seem to resist the next logical step, which is to consider how things will change around the world when China becomes the world’s pre-eminent economic power. Why is that?
A: I think that the world has been so used to American hegemony, and you had a recent period of American history under Bush which actually postulated exactly the opposite scenario—that we were in fact on the eve of a new American century. So we’re just not versed in the profoundly different thinking China’s pre-eminence will require. More than that, we have failed to understand that we’re not just talking about economic change. The impact of China’s rise is going to be at least as great politically and culturally as it will be in economic terms.



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Long before it was trendy to do so, Martin Jacques was a firm believer that China would become a global power, and his latest book “When China Rules the World,” is attracting a lot of attention worldwide for his bold views.

The British intellectual, author and Guardian columnist was in Taiwan earlier this week for several talks on his book, through which he makes a powerful assertion – that not only will China rise, but that this will mean an end to the Western-dominated world. Nonetheless Taiwan can benefit from this, he believes, but it must grasp the opportunity to get closer to China or risk being left behind in the region.

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Taipei Times - 04/10/09 (Part 1 - Part 2)

Published earlier this year, British author Martin Jacques’ book ‘When China Rules the World’ argues that the global environment is being reconfigured as a result of the re-emergence of China, a ‘civilization state’ with such a long and complex history that Western concepts of modernity cannot fully account for its significance. Jacques sat down with ‘Taipei Times’ staff reporter J. Michael Cole on Tuesday to discuss this development

Taipei Times (TT): When China Rules the World — that’s a very strong title. Will China, indeed, rule the world?

Martin Jacques: No. The title shouldn’t be taken literally. The theme of the book essentially is the rise of China to a point where it becomes the dominant global power and what that will be like, how it will exercise its hegemony and how that will differ from the Western era, particularly the American era. You need a catchy title that’s provocative and makes you think.

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Former Journalist Martin Jacques Attempts To Shed Light On China’s Economic Prowess In His New Book

AUTHOR Martin Jacques pulls no punches when he writes about the Chinese people and their ­perceptions about race in his book When China Rules the World.

He calls a spade a spade and much of his need to ­understand the psyche of the Chinese is perhaps ­influenced by the death of his ­Malaysian wife in a Hongkong hospital. He had filed a racial discrimination suit against the hospital after her death.

On her death, Jacques writes: “After a major campaign in response to the death of Harinder Veriah, a Malaysian of Indian descent in 2000 who complained about serious racial discrimination in a Hongkong hospital, the government was finally forced to acknowledge that racism is a serious problem and in 2008, mainly as a result of this case, belatedly introduced anti-racist legislation for the first time.”

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