Media Archive

Donald Winchester

At the turn of the millennium, many proclaimed that this would be the Chinese Century. Do current world events support that prediction? It’s a question that defies an easy answer.

Nineteen eighty-nine was, in Western eyes, a year of great hope. The Berlin Wall fell, the power of the Soviet Union was rapidly disintegrating, and free democratic elections were held in Brazil and Chile for the first time in years.

Amidst all this, the Tiananmen Square protest in Beijing—where thousands of young Chinese demonstrated against their communist government under the inanimate gaze of a hastily sculpted “Goddess of Democracy”—seemed to be part of the same movement. The protest was forcibly and brutally suppressed; but to many it seemed clear that this was the beginning of the spread of Western democratic values to China too.

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Kerry Brown and Rebecca Hope

The London-based Telegraph newspaper carried a story in June 2016 by a British student in Africa, who painted her life there as one of trauma and insecurity. Initially capturing the attention of readers, it was soon withdrawn due to an alarming realisation: it turned out to be a grossly inaccurate misrepresentation of present-day Zambia. Even had there been any degree of truth to this account, the fundamental problems with presentation and underlying value statements rendered the story little more than an embellished fable. It was, put simply, deeply patronising, treating Africa like some backdrop in a concocted drama to satisfy a visiting fantasist.

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President Benigno S. Aquino III converses with Davao City Vice Mayor Rodrigo Duterte during the Meeting with Local Leaders and the Community at the Rizal Park in San Pedro Street, Davao City on Wednesday (March 06, 2013). The Liberal Party (LP) was founded on January 19, 1946 by Manuel Roxas, the first President of the Third Philippine Republic. (Photo by: Ryan Lim / Malacañang Photo Bureau).

Former President Benigno S. Aquino III with the new President Rodrigo Duterte in Davao City in 2013. (Photo by: Ryan Lim / Malacañang Photo Bureau).

In the disputes over the South China Sea, no country has been closer to the United States and more hostile to China than the Philippines under the recently departed President Aquino. Indeed, during Aquino’s term of office the Philippines has once more allowed the US to use military bases in the country as part of a wider military collaboration. The Philippines has also unilaterally taken its dispute with China to arbitration under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). But since the recent election of President Duterte there are signs of a shift in thinking with Duterte stressing the importance of good relations with China and other leading figures suggesting that the island disputes with China should be settled bilaterally. The column below, reprinted from the country’s leading newspaper, The Philippine Star, gives voice to this shift. – Martin Jacques

What could have changed our history?

12/6/16 – The Philippine Star

Carmen N Pedrosa

Today, June 12, we celebrate Philippine Independence Day as it was declared by President Diosdado Macapagal. It used to be celebrated every July 4 because it was the day the Americans granted it to us. But as Macapagal reasoned “freedom and independence is not granted, it is fought for.” So why did we continue to be an American colony despite this? Here is a story that is not known to many Filipinos.

“The common story told by historians is the Americans betrayed Emilio Aguinaldo by turning against him and not granting the Philippines its independence as they had promised.

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Listen to the interview (1.05 – 5.12)

1.05 – 5.12


国际在线消息(记者 段雪莲):2016年年初,中国股市动荡,人民币贬值,以及随后发布的低于预期的经济增长数据,引发了英美等国媒体对中国经济放缓的焦虑,有人发出“是阵痛还是深层衰退”的疑问,也有人认为下一个全球衰退将是“中国制造”。对此,英国学者、资深中国问题专家马丁·雅克表示,所谓的“中国经济崩溃论”严重夸大事实,西方质疑中国经济发展前景的深层次原因在于其对中国政治制度的不确定。









Li Nan


Is China becoming more like the West on its way to modernization? British writer, broadcaster and speaker Martin Jacques doesn’t think so, rejecting the assumption as “wishful thinking.”

In his book When China Rules the World: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order, Jacques argues that China’s modernity arises from history and tradition different from the West. Moreover, it will exercise a powerful global influence that will be as much political and cultural as economic, exerting its own impact on the world.

When China Rules the World was first published in 2009 by Penguin Books. It has been translated into 15 languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Latvian, Portuguese and Turkish. It has been reprinted several times, becoming one of the bestsellers on China. According to the author’s personal website, more than 300,000 copies have been sold.

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The release of a brand new expanded and updated Chinese edition of When China Rules the World has attracted a great deal of media attention in China. Below is a video interview with CCTV, followed by a series of links to other reports and interviews.

Click here to view the full length CCTV interview.

A full summary of all media coverage received (all in Chinese) can be found here.

Interviews in Chinese with The Global TimesWenhui Daily, and Chinese Social Sciences Today, and in English with the Beijing Review, are also available on this site via the links provided.

24/4/16 - 28/4/16 - Beijing

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大国雄心 还请多多关注!
专访媒体重点报道 新华社、央视新闻滚动播出、人民网、环球时报、文汇报、中国社会科学报、北京青年报、北京周报、解读中国工作室
央视纪录片录制 《真诚沟通》栏目 中联部党建特别宣传片,均将出现书特写镜头
落地活动 广州签售会、清华分享会、北大分享会

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